Sunday, September 30, 2007


Sometimes a picture really is worth a thousand words.
Abby, our three year old, heard Micah, our three week old, crying a few days ago. She was convinced he needed to go to the doctor, so she ran upstairs and got her doctor kit to "check him out." As you can see, he enjoyed the experience a great deal. If any of you are ill, I'm sure Abby would be happy to make house calls. Her patients usually cry for just the first hour or so.


Everyone has a reputation: whether we realize it or not, we have things we are known for. Notoriety for certain characteristics is something we are all very familiar with. In fact, many people have one or two character qualities that are so dominant they’ve even earned nicknames. Think back to your school days: “Mooch” – for the guy who begs for food everyday (when you know he’s got plenty of money for food); “Teacher’s Pet” – for the kiss-up; “Cheater” – for the person who ‘mysteriously’ does better on the test but never studies “ and then there were those cutting names like “Easy”, “Slut”, “Dumb-Butt”, “White-Trash”…I’d better stop there. We are real familiar with the reality of reputations.

There’s a real interesting thing about reputations, almost no one develops theirs on purpose. Why? Probably because hardly anyone chooses to intentionally develop character qualities based on the convictions they hold. In other words, we don’t tend to go through life thinking, “My convictions tell me this needs to be my highest priority, so I’m going to relentlessly make sure it stays that way!” The demands, pressures, and desires of the world tend to crowd out the call to live by convictions; therefore, it is much easier to slip into the mode of racing from one thing to the next without giving any consideration to the deepest things in life. So we dash through life from one think to the next just skimming the surface but never getting any deeper, like a pebble bouncing on the top of a lake – skimming the top over and over and over again.

I think all of this begs the question, “If you could be known for one thing what would it be?” The answer to that question will reveal the convictions deepest in your heart. For example, if you say you’d want to be known as someone who is generous, then you have a conviction that loving and helping people is vital to reality. If you say you want to be known as someone who is faithful, then you have a conviction that being sacrificial for the good of people and causes is what makes a difference in the world. For as long as I can remember, people have described me as someone who is funny. Frankly, this bugs the snot out of me, because I hope the deepest conviction in me is not that life is a huge comic strip and we’ve just got to make the best of it! Reputations are sure hard to break.

There’s a guy in the Bible named Ezra who had a great reputation. His reputation was so impressive, God used him to do amazing things. Any time the Lord can take you and use you to turn the heart of a wicked King into one that would bless God’s people…that’s a pretty cool thing! Here’s a verse that summarizes his reputation well: Ezra 7:6 [NLT] (6) “This Ezra was a scribe who was well versed in the Law of Moses, which the Lord, the God of Israel, had given to the people of Israel. He came up to Jerusalem from Babylon, and the king gave him everything he asked for, because the gracious hand of the Lord his God was on him.” Ezra was known as a man who was well versed in the Bible and whose life was marked by the presence of God. Every Christian has the opportunity to have that reputation. Every single one of us. What if that happened? How different would your life, your family, your workplace, your lost friends, your neighborhood, … even the world look? What if...? Let's go for it, friends!

Friday, September 07, 2007

Spiritual Lessons from My 3 Year Old

Well, yesterday was Micah's second day. His big sister, Abby, spent the afternoon here at the hospital with him again. She had a wonderful time. Like the day before, she was smitten. About all she could say was, "Baby Micah is so sweet" and "Let's take him home" ... "Let's go home...whole family, let's go home." For her, it was love at first sight, but that love didn't go away. She still felt just as strongly the next day. She couldn't' quite tell how to express this love appropriately. Her expression of choice was to rub her cheek against his face and then kiss his head. She was literally overjoyed. To say he had no idea what was coming is a major understatement. Abby was just captivated to be with him. She would stare, do the lines quoted about, rub his face against her, and order everyone around the room to hold him. It was pure, raw, unorchestrated, authentic, genuine, heart-felt love. The kind of love people dream about experiencing and spend their lives chasing.

I learned some things watching my 3 year old over the last 2 days -- I learned some things about love and God and being a part of the Kingdom. Scattered all through the scriptures are these references to Christians being "brothers and sisters." When sinful people turn from sin and turn to God, they not only get connected to God, they get connected to his people. They gain not only a relationship with God, they gain relationships with all of God's people. Masterfully, God chose to help us understand that by the imagery of the family - brothers and sisters. I knew that in my head, but after watching Abby and Micah, I now know more of that in my heart. What if we, Christians, treated each other like Abby's been treating Micah? Not the face rubbing part (that might get really strange!) or the "so sweet" part, but the genuine, raw, self-sacrificing love. What if we loved each other that way? All too often we fight over dumb things, pretend like everything is fine, and tend more to our own needs than each other's. But what if that changed and we genuinely loved each other more than ourselves? I can only imagine how God would be honored and how much greater his kingdom would spread. Let's pursue that together, brothers and sisters!

"By this all people will know you are my disciples, if you have love for one another." - Jesus (Jn 13:35)

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

He's Here - Micah Andrew Newkirk!

More details (and pictures of course) to come but Micah Andrew Newkirk was born just a few hours ago. Jill shone through again. Micah was born at 4:03pm, 7lbs 9ounces and 20 inches long.

"You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it. You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb. You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed." -Ps 139:13-16