Monday, December 24, 2007

Our Real Problem

Jesus faced a lot of trickery. It was not uncommon for people who thought of themselves as pious Judaic leaders to bring him questions – questions meant to ambush him. One day, a group of Sadducees did just that. They told him a story about a woman whose husbands kept dying, so the next brother would marry her. This happened seven times. So, then, who is the woman’s husband in the resurrection? What is humorous about this is the Sadducees didn’t even believe in the resurrection. They were merely trying to trick Jesus. While the answer to the question is interesting, Jesus’ diagnosis of these so-called ‘leaders’ hearts is most compelling. Mark 12:24-26 [NLT] Jesus replied, “Your mistake is that you don’t know the Scriptures, and you don’t know the power of God… haven’t you ever read about this in the writings of Moses…

The sting of that blow is felt even now! How could they be so foolish? But, am I different? Do I claim to know the Word and be a leader, yet my questions are full of ignorance? Do I am to lead people, all the while I do not read and study and know and grasp God’s Word? What about you? Maybe our problem isn't our questions: maybe our problem is we have the answers but don't read the book.