Saturday, November 22, 2008

New Website

I have ceased using this site. For up-to-date information, sermons, and blogs, please go to

Friday, March 14, 2008

Loving the Local Church!

I'm in Washington DC right now with several friends enjoying a "Weekender" conference at Capital Hill Baptist Church. There are people here from all over the world. It is amazing to hear what God is doing and be with fellow brothers in Christ who are devoted to shepherding God's folks.

Isn't the local church amazing? Despite what the media leads us to believe and what the Enemy wisphers in our ears, God is alive and well, and His church is spreading powerfully. My heart is thrilled and humbled to get to do what I do.
More to come...

Monday, January 07, 2008

The Scandalous Grace of God

In one breath Simon Peter is claiming, “Not even if I have to die with you! I will never deny you!” (Mark 14:31) and in the next breath telling a servant girl who accused him of being with Jesus, “I neither know nor understand what you mean.” (15:6ff), pretending to not even know Jesus. He would do this two more times with others. All less transpired in less than 18 hours! Before these denials took place, Peter couldn’t even stay awake to pray when Jesus had pleaded for prayer. What a tragedy. The shining star among the disciples has fallen.

It’s easy to condemn Peter for his actions, but remember Jesus was being rushed through a hostile, secrete ‘trial’ in the middle of the night, which would almost certainly lead to his death. All the disciples fled. It’s understandable, but it’s tragic.

Did Jesus know this would occur? Did he know one of his inner three disciples and friends would deny him at the moment he needed him the most? Did he know one of the disciples with the most potential, who had come so far, would in essence stab him in the back? Of course he knew. Not only did he know, he told Peter (14:30). But, what is shocking about this, is the other thing Jesus told him in the same conversation. The same man who was hours away from being a traitor, a backstabber, a coward after spending years at Jesus’ side, Jesus said to the same man, “I have pleaded in prayer for you, Simon, that your faith should not fail. So when you have repented and turned to me again, strengthen and build up your brothers” (Luke 22:32). What?! In the very same conversation in which he told Peter that he would deny him, Jesus prayed for Peter and told him ‘when you have passed through your failure and returned to me, lead the others.' This is stunning and has enormous implications. Sure it speaks to leadership, faithfulness, and the like, but what it speaks mostly to is grace. Even as Peter was arrogantly claiming he would never reject Christ, and Jesus knew he would, Jesus spoke to him out of deep love, passionately communicating the grace of God.

When you fail, and you will, repent and return to God. Jesus is right there at the Father’s side, pleading for you and through him you have the grace of God to stand up again and even to lead your brothers and sisters in Christ. Oh how great is the love of Christ: stand on his grace and stand strongly and courageously, knowing you can count on the scandalous grace of God!