Friday, August 31, 2007

Father's Love

Do you ever have moments that seem to instantly mark you deep inside? The kind of moments you know you'll never forget? The kind of moments that God uses to leave his imprints on your soul? I think we all do. Just a few days ago I had one.

Next Wednesday, Jill will be induced to give birth to our son Micah. I came home for dinner a few nights ago and about 2 minutes into the meal, Abby (our three year old), decided to show me pictures of Micah that had been taken during an ultrasound earlier that day. To say she was elated just doesn't do the moment justice. She kept saying, "Here's baby Micah. It's he sweet. I'm going to be a big sister." She is so fired up about having a baby brother. It was precious.

The love I felt for her as she held those pictures was incredible. The love I felt for my son, whom I've never met obviously, was incredible. The sheer joy and delight ... time seemed to stand still. And just think, that's only a tiny little glimpse of what our Heavenly Father feels when he looks at us.